How To Decide Where To Buy Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

How To Decide Where To Buy Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract

When something gets on the market that is popular and effective, a lot of opportunistic scam artists get to work and try to fool the general public with their imitations and fake copies of the real thing. When you hear about the numerous benefits associated with its consumption, it is only natural that you decide to try it, but, it is also natural to think twice before making a decision like from where to buy green coffee beans extract.

The Importance Of where You Buy Your Green Coffee Product

QualityHow To Decide Where To Buy Pure Green Coffee Beans

It is of the essence that you are cautious about where you decide to buy your extract. It is not wise to ‘picky picky ponky’ your way through the internet and settle for just any source for the product. If you do that, you are more likely to get much less than what you had bargained for in terms of quality and quantity.

Most importantly, it is crucial to confirm source and credibility because this is going to be a part of your body. Your well being is what should come first. Your desire to lose weight should be secondary to that.

Losing Money

With all the above as top priority, wasting your money on useless imitations of Green Coffee can prove to be frustrating. Establishing the legitimacy of a company that sells Green coffee should be the first thing you do before even considering to buy the product. Being swindled will only lessen your motivation after it happens one too many a time.

There is also the issue of a money back Guarantee. If a company does not offer a refund policy, you should forget about it. A manufacturer that is confident about their product will offer one-it’s as simple as that.

Buying The Product Online

How To Decide Where To Buy Pure Green Coffee BeansIt is more than likely that you may go venturing onto the internet to look for websites that sell the Green Coffee Extract. Now, not all websites are fake and out to con you out of your money, but some of them look more legitimate than the most legitimate company websites out there! You need to do follow ups with location, check if they really exist, if their phone numbers are working and are really who they say they are. You should also check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints or nothing but praise about them. In other words, you have to get all ‘Sherlock Holmes’ on every potential company you may have an eye on.

Being familiar With The Effects Of Green Coffee Extract

If you are buying this product because you heard about its capabilities, then it is very important to understand exactly what the Green Coffee Extract does. If you are not informed about everything about it, from it’s components to it’s efficiency, then you will not know what to look for when any kind of signs or effects start to show up. You have to research extensively and study all possibilities at every angle.

Green Coffee And Understanding Its Weight Loss Benefits

Green Coffee And Understanding Its Weight Loss Benefits

It is still a mystery to a number of people why the green coffee is such a big deal nowadays in the pursuit of losing weight. One would wonder; How can a green coffee bean make you lose weight? If you are one of those people, I don’t blame you. It is not common to have some sort of doubt, since there are a lot of scams out there about weight loss. Lots of people have fallen victim to these scams and are weary about venturing into weight loss programs again.

However, It is an undeniable fact that green coffee beans help you shed unwanted pounds and it is also factual that it has become one of the most popular ways of doing so. It has proven to do what it says it does.

To offer a bit of some insight on the matter, let us analyze what green coffee is all about.

What Is Green Coffee?Green Coffee And Understanding Its Weight Loss Benefits

Green coffee is the raw beans of coffee which have not been ground, refined or processed in any way. For your information, Coffee is originally green and only when it’s roasted that it turns into brown or black color. These roasted beans are the ones that we use to brew the famous beverage Coffee.

During roasting, many properties which are essential in losing weight decrease and makes it less effective. You will find that the regular coffee that we consume everyday does not play any part in helping you to lose weight. You have to comprehend that the raw green coffee bean is the only one that has these potent properties that combat fat in your body.

One such property is the chlorogenic acid. This amazing acid is remarkably effective in weight loss. Not only does it play a role in shedding off pounds from your body, but it also reputed to slow aging due to its antioxidant properties. What it does is boost your metabolism, while inhibiting all the cellulite in your body by blocking high amounts of glucose, resulting in the loss of fat.

Dosage Stipulations

Green Coffee And Understanding Its Weight Loss BenefitsYou should take two capsules a day that are 400 mg each. The most you you can take is a day is sixteen hundred milligrams.

You should also make sure that the extract that you buy is in pure form. That is the only way it will work.

Diet And Exercise

Never assume that taking this extract in supplement form is entirely good for you because you may have some health problems that will not sit well with consuming caffeine, the main component in green coffee. You should also include diet and exercise, while taking the supplement. This way, you shall lose weight faster and more efficiently.

Consult your physician before deciding to consume the green coffee extract. This way, you shall be sure that you are fit enough to have this in your body. Also, remember that it has caffeine, which is a stimulant. It may affect your heart and other circulatory conditions in your body.

How You Lose Weight With Green Coffee Extract

How You Lose Weight With Green Coffee Extract

The green coffee extract has become quite the phenomenon in the world of losing weight. A numerous number of of people are using this extract as a means to shed huge amounts of unwanted fat. The green coffee is the raw material for coffee beans and in its natural state, will help in reduction of body fat. It also helps in the circulation of blood so that your heart rate quickens, causing your metabolism to act in a fast rate.

The effects are I might add; astounding. It has acquired a good reputation and more people are really scrambling to get this extract so that they can start losing that belly fat. Why is this case? Let us find out.

How You Lose Weight With Green Coffee ExtractChlorogenic Acid

This is a significant component in green coffee, since it is the one that is responsible for the fat burning process. It is essential that you don’t roast or burn the Green coffee Bean because the effects of the Chlorogenic Acid will diminish and naturally, will not aid in weight loss at all.

Weight Loss

It is estimated that one can lose about seventeen pounds in the span of about three months. That means you can lose approximately five pounds a month. But keep in mind that this all depends on the following factors; Exercise, Your body Metabolism and how much you consume your coffee. You definitely cannot expect to see results if you are just taking the extract and not doing anything else to speed up the process of losing weight.


You should not exceed eight hundred milligrams per day, twice everyday and ensure that you do so about thirty minutes before consumption of a meal. It will only work if it is pure, all natural green coffee extract. That is why you should first find out which products out there are the real thing, otherwise you may be consuming imitations of the real deal.

How You Lose Weight With Green Coffee ExtractYou have to be smart and understand that this extract will efficiently work if you incorporate a proper diet and adequate exercise in your daily routine. It is also safe to include vitamins in your weight loss endeavor.

A Word of Caution

There are certain people who unfortunately are advised strongly not to use this supplement. The extract, which is high in caffeine, might alter, affect or even drastically worsen someone’s condition if they take it.

The following people who suffer from the following medical conditions, should not attempt to use this extract and if they still insist on using it, they have to first seek the advice of their Physician.

  • Diabetics– caffeine can raise sugar levels in the blood or lower them dramatically.
  • High blood pressure– Blood pressure can rise due to the introduction of Caffeine in the bloodstream.
  • Panic attacks or anxiety disorders– It can worsen the stress levels in someone who is already frustrated and stressed.
  • Osteoporosis– caffeine has the potential of eliminating Calcium from the body.
  • Bleeding conditions– It may make such conditions from bad to worse.

The Side Effects Of Green Coffee Extract

The Side Effects Of Green Coffee Extract

The green coffee extract is very popular for burning unwanted fat in the world today. It is a supplement that people are curious about, if they are not already taking it. With the increase of unhealthy lifestyles and adding weight as a result, People are seeking all kinds of ways of losing weight and the supplement green coffee extract is one of them.

However, one has to proceed with caution when ingesting any kind of supplement, even if they are the reputed kind. It is always a good idea to do you research first and find out what you are about to put into your body. Just like many others, green coffee extract comes with its own side effects and the public should be aware of them.

What Is Green Coffee?The Side Effects Of Green Coffee Extract

Basically, green coffee is just raw coffee beans. That is why the supplement is effective because of its raw properties. When coffee beans are roasted, they lose most of their potency. Due to these factors, brown or dark beans do not even come close to the green ones.

Why Green Coffee Is So Effective

It contains the chlorogenic acid which not only has weight loss properties, but it has said to have antioxidant ones as well. With roasting and grinding and all those other processes that come with processing coffee, the chlorogenic acid is lost or becomes minimal, thus decreasing effectiveness.

What You Should Look Out For While taking Green Coffee Extract

People who know have a clean bill of health are in the clear while taking this supplement. But with all good things, bad things must tag along. This extract, although effective in losing weight, does have a few side effects of its own IF you have pre-existing conditions. You should always seek professional advice before taking it.

People who have the following ailments should take Caution:

  • Glaucoma- If you take the green coffee supplement, it will drastically affect your blood levels.
  • The Side Effects Of Green Coffee ExtractBreastfeeding or pregnant women- The effects of the extract are transmittable to the baby, through breastfeeding or while pregnant. Caffeine is too strong to be in the system of a young heart such as an infant.
  • Osteoporosis- It will decrease the calcium in one suffering osteoporosis and this of course, is not good.
  • Bleeding Disorders- Those that suffer from this disorders should not take this extract for it has a tendency of raising blood pressure.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome- caffeine will definitely interfere with your bowels and make your condition worse.

Another group of people who should avoid taking this supplement are staunch, die hard coffee lovers.

If you are in the habit of consuming several cups of coffee a day faithfully, then you have to decide which one is more important to you because you can’t take both. It is best to either wait until you can stop drinking coffee or lose wight some other way because it is dangerous to consume both coffee and the green coffee extract supplement. That is too much caffeine in the body.

The Role Caffeine Plays In Coffee And In Losing Weight

The Role Caffeine Plays In Coffee And In Losing Weight

Caffeine is found in coffee which is known to keep you alert on those late night shifts. It has been known to help people keep energized and drive away sluggishness and sleep. It has been proven to accelerate your metabolism and help burn that stubborn fat you are so eager to get rid of.

What Exactly Is In Coffee?

Coffee has some properties that make it unique to the taste and to the smell. These properties are:-

The Role Caffeine Plays In Coffee And In Losing WeightThe dominant property is caffeine which studies have shown to be very concentrated in Coffee. theobromine, together with theophylline, all combined with caffeine, makes coffee very potent because they are all stimulants.

The Effects Of Caffeine

Caffeine plays the role of being a stimulant to the nervous system. It also has the capability of producing the hormone adrenaline (epinephrine), by increasing blood levels in the body. It moves through the body to fat tissues where it it helps in their breaking down. When they separate, this causes the fats to be used up in the blood as fatty acids.

Speeding Up The Metabolism

When our metabolism speeds up, to lose weight is pretty much effortless. Even if you eat a lot and your metabolism is in full speed, it is that much harder to gain weight.

Caffeine has been proven to accelerate and jump start the metabolism. The more that is ingested the body, the higher our metabolism becomes.

Unfortunately, if you are obese, this will not happen as fast. People with less fat to burn have a higher chance of losing their unwanted pounds. It also is less effective as you age. Younger people have good chance of speeding up their metabolism than older people do.

The Role Caffeine Plays In Coffee And In Losing WeightCaffeine also works well with workouts and people who exercise frequently because of its effects in boosting the metabolism.

Theories About Coffee And Caffeine

Individuals who drink coffee on a daily basis or just frequently have been known to have less appetite than people who don’t. The downside of coffee lovers is that the more you drink it, the more your tolerance level builds up, so the effects of Caffeine become weaker and eventually dies down altogether.

People are advised not to make drinking Coffee a daily habit due to this fact. That is why it is essential to be conscious of how much caffeine you take in a day because if you are not, you will find yourself slowly becoming addicted to it. Some people even experience serious side effects from caffeine withdrawal.

It is recommended that you alternate weeks so that it will continue to be of some use to your body. You can also, according to your own preference, have two weeks free of caffeine and then resume drinking it for another two weeks and this will keep your metabolism in balance and not in any way reliant on caffeine.

You can also try drinking other beverages while you are on your two week caffeine break that will curb your caffeine desire.

The Advantages Of Chlorogenic Acids In Coffee

The Advantages Of Chlorogenic Acids In Coffee

Many people love to drink coffee. In fact, it is the most sought out beverage in the morning while folks are rushing to get to work. What is interesting is that most people don’t know the properties of coffee and what makes it so addictive to consume. People generally drink coffee to perk them up for the day that lies ahead, but to fully understand what it does to the body, one has to fully research and get informed on its benefits.

Acids in Coffee

The savor of coffee includes an acidic, bittersweet taste that is appealing to most coffee lovers. This taste is due to the chlorogenic acids that are in it.  It is one of many acids that are found in coffee beans, both roasted and green. Examples of this acids are:-

  • AceticThe Advantages Of Chlorogenic Acids In Coffee
  • Lactic
  • Malic
  • Quinic
  • Citric

Better known as CGA’s, chlorogenic acids are very similar to each other and some of them are higher in quantitiy than others when it comes to coffee. 5-caffeoylquinic acid is one of them. Other acids found in coffee are coumaroylquinic, feruloyluinic and dicaffeoylquinic acids. These different kind of acids vary in content and properties and they are the reason why coffee is such a thrill to consume and a ‘kind of heaven’ to smell.


Chlorogenic acids exist in coffee, but the determining factor of how much, varies from the different kinds of coffee beans that are out there. The quantity also depends on how the coffee bean was prepared, starting from the grinding and roasting of it. The point of the matter is the CGA content in coffee beans is lowered when the beans are roasted. That is why you find that CGA levels are less in coffee that is dark roasted.

On the other hand, CGA levels go up when the coffee beans are brewed at a certain temperature. Coffee that has been grounded to fine particles also contains higher levels of CGA than coarse coffee particles.

The Benefits of Chlorogenic Acids

The Advantages Of Chlorogenic Acids In CoffeeWe all marvel at how antioxidant properties can help rejuvenate the body and help replenish the body with new cells, while keeping all kind of diseases at bay. Experiments have shown that chlorogenic acids contain these antioxidants. However, there is still a lot of research to be done to fully establish and know for sure that CGAs are fully effective. There is a lot of speculation at this time and many people are yet to weigh in on the benefits of chlorogenic acids.

For people that suffer from diabetes; cataracts, which severely affects one’s vision, has been slowed down by chlorogenic Acids. During a study, it was determined that CGAs have the ability to stop cataracts from developing.

Unfortunately, though this research was legit, it still remains too shaky to attain credibility. They still need to go through an array of extensive researches so that they can declare CGAs as powerful antioxidants. It would be a great breakthrough and one more wonderful addition to the eradication of cells that cause disease.

The Healthy Effects of Green Coffee Bean

The Healthy Effects of Green Coffee Bean

For those in need of an all-natural weight loss supplement, Green Coffee Bean may be the solution they’ve been looking for. This healthy ingredient can be found in the Arabica plant, and has lead to remarkable breakthroughs in weight loss for those who have given it a try.

So how exactly does Green Coffee Bean work so well? The answer lies in the unique materials and ingredients that form the Green Coffee Bean. It is made of several polyphenols, which can strengthen the body and eliminate threatening radicals by using special antioxidants. It can also help the body regulate normal blood pressure, and allow blood to flow freely through the veins.

The Healthy Effects of Green Coffee BeanMany people who enjoy coffee know how much caffeine is in it, which can lead to high blood pressure and fat. Unlike normal coffee, Green Coffee Beans contain a very low amount of caffeine, and as such, are far more healthier than normal coffee beverages.

With the chlorogenic acids Green Coffee Beans contain, it can help promote healthy weight loss in a variety of ways. These ways include allowing more glucose to be released within the body, boosting the outtake of metabolic substances in the liver, and burning additional fat to promote a slim, leaner body structure.

There has been several years of research conducted to help study the effects of Green Coffee Beans. Since 2006, dozens of scientists have analyzed the effects of Green Coffee Beans on animals like mice, taking note of their increased weight loss and growing health since using the ingredient.

Several more studies were conducted over the years by different laboratories, journals, and researchers, and most lead to the same conclusion: that Green Coffee Beans could greatly affect weight loss if combined with the other essentials such as a proper diet and exercise.

The Healthy Effects of Green Coffee BeanWith such an abundance in research, Green Coffee Beans have begun to grow in popularity. Those in need of a great weight loss supplement are taking advantage of the powerful ingredients within Green Coffee Beans. Some have even lost over 10% of their body fat since using Green Coffee Beans; an incredible number that grows every day. With proper dieting and exercise, as well as Green Coffee Beans, it seems there is no limit to how much weight people can lose healthily.

In conclusion, Green Coffee Beans are an up-and-coming ingredient that can make good on its promise to help those who desperately need a reliable weight loss supplement. With its stellar ingredients, including both chlorogenic acids and polyphenols, it can easily burn excess fat and keep the body’s blood pressure normal and healthy.

The abundance of research conducted for the ingredient has proven that it is indeed a great success, and those wary of health concerns regarding Green Coffee Beans have nothing to fear.

As more research is conducted every year, the popularity of Green Coffee Beans continues to rise. Countless stores offer it in a variety of products, including coffee pots and other beverages. Those who enjoy Green Coffee Bean beverages will no doubt appreciate the increased weight loss, and become as healthy as ever.

Acidic Properties In Roasted Coffee

Acidic Properties In Roasted Coffee

It is always smart to understand what is in coffee, since half of the population wakes up to it and relies on it to administer that extra energy boost to help jump start the day. Its effects are amazingly effective and so, to better understand it, you have to know about its acidic properties and how they affect how roasted coffee tastes, looks and even smells.

The longer you roast your coffee, the darker it becomes. This also decreases its acidity level. The less time you roast it, the higher the acidity of that coffee becomes. It has been known through out the years that roasted coffee that is dry has a lower acidity level than the one which has been washed. Another factor that affects coffee is where it has been grown. If it has been grown on land where there are high levels of minerals, that makes the coffee acquire a higher acidic content.

Acidic Properties In Roasted CoffeeDifferent kinds Of Acidic Properties Found In Coffee

They are, namely:

  • Aliphatic Acids
  • Tannic Acids
  • Fatty Acids
  • Phenolic
  • Alicyclic Acids
  • Chlorogenic Acids

Aliphatic Acids

This kind of acid is found to be more prevalent than any other acid in Roasted coffee. It comes in the form of amino acids like protiens. There are about 24 aliphatic acids found in coffee. Some examples include malic, pyruvic and lactic acids. When it is in rawest form, it hardly contains these many acids, but when you roast it, that is when the acids form and become quite high in content.

Tannic Acid

No one knows what kind of purpose this acid serves in coffee biologically, although it is scientifically believed that it is there to drive animals away from it while it is being grown on a coffee plantation.

Also referred as the gallotannic acid, ‘tannis’ defines a lot of other compounds like glucosides, hydroxy acids or phenolic acids.

Fatty AcidsAcidic Properties In Roasted Coffee

There is a series of nearly 10 fatty acids in extracts of coffee oil. It has been proven in studies that fatty acids can also be found in oils like vegetable oil. Furthermore, there it has also been concluded that fatty acids are found in the oil of coffee.

Phenolic & Alicyclic Acids

It has been determined that there are several antioxidants in coffee which are found in the various phenolic acids (polyphenosis). Examples of phenolic acids are quinic, ferulic and caffeic. These kinds of acids have been known to also have anti-carcinogen qualities which is a positive aspect of the acids.

Chlorogenic Acids

There are approximately seventeen chlorogenic acids which are found in coffee beans. These kind of acids tend to deteriorate after roasting the coffee beans. It also has been proven that these acids aid in the absorption of glucose. This immensely contributes to the wieght loss of an individual. About seven percent coffee beans contain chlorogenic acids and this results to the coffee getting a high acidic taste after roasting and brewing it.

What You Need To Know About Weight Loss With Green Coffee

What You Need To Know About Weight Loss With Green Coffee

Nowadays, losing weight has become a priority for most people who are constantly looking for ways to shed extra pounds. The weight loss market is a booming business with valid and non valid products and sorting through the mess can be tedious and frustrating.

Just recently, green coffee has been impressing weight loss lovers who adamantly swear by the coffee, claiming it to be swiftly effective in making someone skinny. Green coffee is basically the raw material.

What Is In Green Coffee?What You Need To Know About Weight Loss With Green Coffee

Obviously, there has to be properties in green Coffee that have the capability of making someone lose weight. The CGA is an acidic chemical found in all coffee. Apparently, this property is found in high accumulation in the green coffee bean. The chemical helps in preventing glucose to be absorbed while in the small intestine. This helps in the reduction of glucose circulating in the body through the bloodstream. Consequently, it forces the body to rely on the fat cells for the consumption of energy and that is how someone ends up losing weight. That is pretty amazing when you think about it.

The Potency Of Green Coffee

When Green coffee is roasted, the CGA is broken down to a less potency state. Therefore, it is more effective when it is in its rawest form.

Theories And Studies Of Green Coffee

A lot of people can attest to the fact that consuming green coffee is one of the best methods of losing weight. Various theories have been discussed and analyzed about it, including studies that have been done to fully comprehend why it is as effective as it has been reputed to be. Green coffee always came on top when it was compared with other roasted coffee beans on the market. It may have lost its CGA component and proved to be less effective, but it still managed to outdo its counterparts in achieving maximum results for individuals with extra body fat to lose.

How to Consume Green CoffeeWhat You Need To Know About Weight Loss With Green Coffee

Green coffee, unlike roasted coffee, can only be taken or consumed as an extract. With its increasing popularity in weight loss benefits, many companies are now manufacturing the extract and selling it to the public. Since it is simpler to take it in pill form, there is also the demand for the extract to be packaged in supplement form.

The recommended dosage is taking one hundred and eighty milligrams. You can extend the dosage up to a thousand milligrams with a CGA content of up to five hundred milligrams with the least being eighty one milligrams.

Be advised though; There are a lot of opportunistic imitations and scams that are on the market which are claiming to be the truth. Imitations are all over the internet claiming to be green coffee and a lot of people fall prey to most of them because they don’t take the time to find out about what they are buying. So it is of the essence that you thoroughly do your research and also consult your doctor for medical advice on the matter.

How You Can Make Green Coffee Bean Extract

How You Can Make Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract seems to be spreading like bush fire as one of the new found products that will help in losing weight. It is said that it drastically enhances a person’s metabolism, thus enabling the body to lose weight. What people don’t know is that this amazing bean has been around for a long time. It is just recently that studies have proven that it can guarantee weight loss at a rapid pace.

With powerful antioxidants that are equated to the likes of green tea, green coffee bean extract burns annoying fat and it also helps with suppressing one’s appetite.

The Increase In Demand For Green Coffee Bean Extract

How You Can Make Green Coffee Bean ExtractNaturally, when a product is in high demand, so is the supply. Many people are starting to realize that this extract works and so of course, the scramble to get it is intense. It is always advisable and also smart to find out what you are consuming and which green coffee bean extract is ideal and authentic. For instance, the coffee beans that are from Colombia are reputed to be much stronger in effectiveness than most Coffee beans.

How To Make Green Coffee Beans Extract

You can make as much as you want depending on individual preference and time availability. Brewing a fresh pot everyday is recommended.

You will need:-

  • A tea pot
  • Distilled Water
  • Green coffee beans
  1. How You Can Make Green Coffee Bean ExtractPour about twelve ounces of distilled water into a regular sized teapot. (distilled water is the best since it is mineral and chlorine free)
  2. Add two ounces of your green coffee beans to the water.
  3. Place the teapot on the stove and let it heat until it is boiling.
  4. Immediately turn the heat of the stove down and wait for the mixture to simmer for roughly fifteen minutes.
  5. After that, place the teapot in a cool place and let it completely cool down for another hour or so.
  6. When the concoction is completely cold, get a strainer and filter all the beans from the mixture. You can leave them in the water as long as you can before doing this because the brew becomes stronger with time.

How To Consume Your Green Coffee Bean Extract

Drinking an ounce of the extract twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening is recommended. If it is too raw or unpleasant to take alone, some honey or sugar is ideal to alter the taste for a better drinking experience. You can also mix it in any other kind of foodstuffs you so choose to eat it with.

Word Of Caution

You might notice that your urine will acquire a slight discoloration when you start consuming it. There may be an alteration of bowels and how you move them, but you do not need to be worried. This is completely normal. However, if you start to experience any kind of discomfort or pain in the process of taking the green coffee bean extract, then you should immediately stop taking it.