Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements?

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements?

Green coffee bean extract has yet to be fully tested when it comes to its safety. Tests are usually done with just a few volunteers and that means a rather limited data to be gathered. However, each test concluded yielded promising results for those looking to use green coffee beans as their main weight loss supplement.

That is not to say that green coffee bean based supplements are side effect free. Keep in mind that it contains high amounts of chlorogenic acid (CGA) which can cause side effects for certain people. That being said, CGA also has a slew of health benefits that will surely be of use to a lot of people. Not only does CGA contain potent amount of antioxidants, it also appears to have some properties that can help manage blood pressure.

A Closer Look at Green Coffee Beans

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements?There are two types of supplements using green coffee bean extracts available to the public at this moment and knowing the key difference between the two can help you choose which one would better suit your needs. You are likely to find a green coffee bean extract supplement that has 100% pure extracts and another that offers some extra ingredients, in other words it is not 100% pure.

The main issue here is that those that contain added ingredients will have lower CGA content which means a lower chance of yielding the results you are looking for. This is a huge problem since most of the products that use green coffee bean extract are likely using extra ingredients. What you need to look for to get the optimum health benefits is choose one that is 100% pure. Always read the labels to know if the product you are about to purchase is pure or if it has other non-essential ingredients thrown in to the mix.

Important Factors to Look for When Buying a Green Coffee Bean Extract

There are several aspects that you should definitely look for if you are planning to buy a green coffee bean supplement product. It is necessary that you make sure to check each of the following features we will list below in order to acquire the highest benefits.

Check the label of the product for any information concerning the following:

  • It should be 100% PURE.Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements?
  • The ingredients should always have the stamp of approval from reputable testing laboratories.
  • The CGA content should be at least 40 to 50%.
  • There should be minimal to no caffeine content.
  • It should be manufactured in a location that is known for quality products.
  • There should be no additives.
  • Ingredient label must only show one main ingredient.
  • When it comes to other ingredients, only those that state the ingredients of the capsule is acceptable.
  • Avoid those with filler ingredients.

As always, if you are interested in trying out this popular weight loss product it is important that you consult with your doctor first to know if you can take this supplement safely. Weight loss supplements are not magic and the same applies to green coffee bean extracts. However, what separate this from other weight loss products are its high effectiveness rate, safety and extra health benefits. Only purchase from reputable manufacturers to help guarantee that you are using genuine and safe supplements.

6 Remarkable Green Coffee Bean Benefits

6 Remarkable Green Coffee Bean Benefits

The green coffee bean extract has slowly built up its reputation among consumers not only because of its high weight loss properties but also with the health benefits one can obtain from it. Unlike how your standard coffee drink is processed, green coffee is basically an unroasted coffee bean. What this does is help maintain the numerous nutrients contained within the coffee fruit.

By taking the coffee bean in its natural state, a person will be able to benefit from its superbly high antioxidant properties which can help the body remove harmful free radicals. Not only is it a great source of antioxidants, it also contains potent6 Remarkable Green Coffee Bean Benefits amount of chlorogenic acid (CGA) which also offers several health benefits.

Below is a list of the well-known health benefits one can acquire from drinking green coffee bean extracts.

Great source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are not only known for cleansing the body of free radicals but can also help when it comes to losing weight. It helps keep oxidation level of the food we digest to a minimum which translates to decreased free radical production of the body. Free radical is a chemical that has negative effects on our body’s tissue.

CGA, which is found in green coffee bean, is a potent antioxidant. CGA also has other health benefits that it can give to the body and can even help prevent serious ailments like cancer and hypobaropathy.

Speed Up Metabolism of the Body

Faster metabolism means faster fat burning of the body. Green coffee bean extracts increase metabolism by changing the level of glucose the body can absorb. It basically stems glucose production which then makes our body burn body fat as its alternative energy source.

Manages Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels

Studies have shown that taking green coffee bean extracts regularly can help the body manage both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. This means it can help prevent diabetes and heart related ailments as well.

Helps stop Overeating

Green coffee bean is known to help lessen hunger levels. Drinking this supplement can help make you feel full. If you have a problem when it comes to overeating then this can help you treat that issue. By helping you manage when you eat you can effectively create the perfect diet plan to help you lose weight faster.

Sharpens your Mind

Studies have also shown that drinking green coffee can lead to a sharper mind. Regular intake of this supplement can help your mind stay more focus and even enhance your memory. You can also use this supplement to help enhance your learning skills.6 Remarkable Green Coffee Bean Benefits

It Cleanses the Liver

The liver is one of the most important parts of your body. It helps cleanse your body from harmful chemicals but in doing so it can sometimes take a beating and become weaker. Drinking green coffee bean supplements has some amazing effects on the liver. It can help strengthen the liver and allow it to flush out harmful chemicals such as cholesterol and fat from the body. Green coffee helps in detoxifying our liver which then helps it perform better and keep it in tip top shape.

Final Thoughts

Green coffee bean extract holds a treasure trove of health benefits that we can now take advantage of. It is a great way to lose weight, but unlike other weight loss supplements, green coffee bean can also help boost our overall health. The benefits it can give to our body are remarkable and it is surely one of most reliable and safest weight loss supplement on hand today.

Losing Weight Fast and Safe

Losing Weight Fast and Safe

Losing weight naturally takes some time to accomplish. However, there are several “fad” diets that are sprouting all the time that promises quick results. The only problem here is that most of these diet methods do not follow the proper steps of weight loss and will sometimes cause more harm than good. The results may also not last as discipline is not part of their program. Fortunately, there are healthier diet methods for you to choose from.

Nutritionist states that a person can trim off about 3 or more pounds a week at home just by exercising and eating healthy.

Counting CaloriesLosing Weight Fast and Safe

Dotting down you daily calorie intake can give you all the information you need to develop a healthy diet. For example, if you remove about 500 or more calories of your total food intake in a day for a week, you will be able to effectively remove 2 pounds.

Here is a better example of how to properly conduct calorie management: Let us say that you eat at least 1,200 calories per day, by working out for approximately one hour each day, you can lose up to five pounds in just a week. It is important to note that you should never try out crash dieting as it might cause more harm than good to your body.

Speeding up Weight Loss

One quick thing to note when it comes to speeding up weight loss is by reducing intake of foods that contain starch, sugar, and try to remove fats from meat and dairy. If you wish to further speed up your weight loss then increase the number of fruit, vegetables, soy, skinless meat, sea food, nonfat dairy, egg whites and lean meat in your diet.

Here are some tips to help you ease into the process of dieting:

  • Losing Weight Fast and SafeVegetables can help you feel full without actually adding too much to your weight.
  • Drink a glass of water before and after meals.
  • Avoid including junk foods in your list of groceries.
  • Do not eat during your down time.
  • Do not skip on meals as it will ruin your body’s digesting period.
  • Keep a food journal!

Exercise is Key

Dieting is effective when it comes losing weight but to truly get the full benefits of weight loss your body should be fit and lean as well. Exercising will help you burn those unwanted fat faster. Set an hour of your time each day to working out. Incorporate some cardio and strength training into your exercise routine as well.

Always remember to warm up before beginning your exercise to limber up. You do not actually need to go to the gym or follow some intricate diet plan, simply be aware of your calorie intake and try to include at least an hour of exercise into your daily routine. Discipline is the key and you will reap the rewards in a short amount of time if you follow through your weight loss plan.

Managing Blood Pressure Levels with Green Coffee Bean Extracts

Managing Blood Pressure Levels with Green Coffee Bean Extracts

Coffee has always had a bad reputation when it comes to the question of being a healthy drink. While it certainly is safe to take, excessive drinking can lead to some negative side effects. However, it should be noted that regular “black” coffee contains antioxidants which is good for the body. But did you know that the antioxidant levels within your standard cup of coffee are significantly decreased? Coffee beans normally contain a potent amount of antioxidants but due to the process of roasting a large amount of this antioxidant gets destroyed and lost forever. This is where green coffee bean extracts come in. These are simply unroasted coffee beans which mean that all of its natural vitamins and minerals are still intact when you drink it giving you the maximum benefit. Green coffee bean extract based products are known for their weight loss properties but did you know it also comes with another important health benefit?

Green Coffee and Blood Pressure Levels

Managing Blood Pressure Levels with Green Coffee Bean ExtractsCoffees are naturally safe to drink but what make it a health risk are the additives that we put in it. Sugar, creamers and other chemicals can have negative effects on our body if we continue to use them regularly. These additives basically make what little antioxidants are available in our “black” coffee useless and the results may include increased blood pressure in the future.

One way to make the most out of drinking a cup of coffee is by switching green coffee bean extracts. What is green coffee? This is simply an unroasted coffee bean with its nutrients extracted and manufactured in supplement form. By skipping the standard coffee manufacturing process we are able to obtain the full health benefits of the coffee fruit.

Roasting a coffee bean will pretty much eliminate most of its antioxidant properties, specifically the chlorogenic acid or CGA. CGA is basically the key active ingredient of coffee beans and it also contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants. CGA also offers several health benefits, one of which is managing blood pressure levels.

Can I Use Green Coffee Bean to Treat High Blood Pressure?

Managing Blood Pressure Levels with Green Coffee Bean ExtractsFirst of all, if you are suffering from high blood pressure then it is advisable to always consult with your doctor first. Follow their instructions and always talk to them first if you are planning on trying out a new type of supplement. Now to answer the question if green coffee is effective in managing blood pressure, yes it is.

Green coffee has been clinically proven to not only be an effective weight loss supplement but is also a great way to help manage blood sugar levels and blood pressure as well. However, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Keep in mind that this is merely a supplement and is designed to assist you to achieve your goals. This is not a wonder drug that will instantly cure your ailments. If you wish treat your high blood pressure you will also need to put in some work yourself.

To get the optimum health benefits of taking green coffee bean extract supplements remember to develop a healthy lifestyle. Include fruits and vegetable to your daily diet and perform at least an hour of exercise each day, even a simple jog or walk around your house will suffice. The green coffee bean supplement maybe known for its weight loss properties but it also hold several other health benefits that you should definitely take advantage of.

Pharmaceutical Drugs VS Nutritional Supplements

Pharmaceutical Drugs VS Nutritional Supplements

Recent surveys have concluded that almost 70% of the population in America takes some form of supplement. But is taking supplements daily actually safe for the health? Another study was then conducted to figure this little conundrum out. The data revealed some pretty promising results for the nutritional supplement industry.

Studies revealed that those who are not taking any food supplement have a significantly higher risk of being food poisoned and are more likely to die from preventable medical injuries during their hospital stay.

Pharmaceutical Drugs VS Nutritional SupplementsPharmaceutical drugs are also taken into account in terms of their safety when used. It revealed that pharmaceutical drugs have a higher chance of developing side effects and that these side effects range from mild to severe, this is a risk that nutritional supplements have circumvented almost completely.

Data that has been gathered has shown that nutritional supplements are one of the safest ways to keep your body’s nutrition levels at an ideal level without the risk of side effects compared to using pharmaceutical drugs.

Criticisms Being Thrown at Nutritional Supplements

Even with a solid and trusted reputation, supplements are constantly being scrutinized by health agencies. They inform the general public that the manufacturers of supplements should always prove the safety of the ingredients used in their product. This is understandable and should always come first when it comes to new types of supplements but those who have already built a solid reputation for decades is still feeling the brunt of this ire from government health organizations.

Pharmaceutical Drugs VS Nutritional SupplementsFortunately, the proposed strict guidance when it comes to supplements has been revised. Manufacturers of supplements must still follow a set of strict guidelines but it is now considerably fair in comparison to the previous draft.

There have been some rumors circulating the drug industry about the real reason why nutritional supplements go through such a difficult and strict screening before being given the green signal to be sold to the public and it all revolves around big pharmaceutical companies trying to eliminate the competition.

Pharmaceutical Drugs and their Higher Health Risk

While pharmaceutical drugs have a relatively easier time passing through government health agencies, they are known for being the cause of hundreds of thousands of serious side effects every year. Some of these cases even lead to the death of the patient. However, it appears as if government health agencies are more lax when it comes to approving pharmaceutical drugs even with proof of how dangerous some of these drugs can be.

According to a recent study there are several types of drugs that are being looked at as the most dangerous when it comes to its known side effects:

  • AnalgesicPharmaceutical Drugs VS Nutritional Supplements
  • Sedatives
  • Antipsychotics
  • Cardiovascular Drugs
  • Opiods
  • Acetaminophen Combinations
  • Anti-depressants

Yet pharmaceutical drug manufacturers are not even being given a slap on the wrist for these incidents concerning their own products.

It is Time to Begin a Healthier Living Routine

How can we avoid these dangerous drugs? The answer is simple. We must begin taking care of our body better and stop relying on drugs to keep us healthy. Nutritional supplements are a good choice to begin this healthy transition but they are merely there for support and should not be taken as our primary source of vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise and a proper diet is still the best method to achieve a healthy body and mind.

The Meteoric Rise of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

The Meteoric Rise of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

The weight loss supplement market has seen its fair share of “miracle” products. But as you would have guessed, most were simply flavors of the month and after the initial hype died down, so did the sales. So, now you hear about this hot new item in the market that uses green coffee bean extracts to help shed off some of that unwanted weight. The question you must ask yourself should be: Is it effective? Are there clinical studies that back up its claims and are there any unwanted side effects?

Green Coffee at a Glance…

Chances are you first heard about this weight loss supplement from a well-known fitness and health television show. During the program, they conducted their own test that picked a hundred volunteers with some being given a placebo while the others are given the green coffee bean extract. They were instructed that no changes should be done to their daily diet and after 2 weeks the people that were given the extract dropped two pounds.

So what exactly is Green Coffee Bean Extracts?The Meteoric Rise of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

Green is actually the natural color of coffee beans. They turn dark brown due to being roasted at blisteringly high temperatures. This gives it that signature scent and smooth taste that we all know and love.

On the other hand, green coffee is not roasted but is immersed in a specific liquid to make the chemicals within more concentrated and is extracted when ready.

What is the Difference between Black Coffee and Green Coffee?

Good question. They are both coffee so why choose one over the other? The answer is actually really simple and clear. When you roast a coffee bean its antioxidant level increases but one vital compound gets eliminated. This compound is known as chlorogenic acid or CGA and it is the key to all the health benefits that green coffee bean extract offers.

CGA offers a load of health benefits which include faster metabolism, curbs hunger and balances blood pressure and sugar levels. This, along with its weight loss properties, makes the green coffee stand out from the competition.

How effective is it?The Meteoric Rise of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

Studies were conducted about the validity of green coffee bean extract’s claims. These studies yielded some promising results. One of the tests had volunteers take about 700 milligrams of green coffee bean extract for a total of two months. The results came in and they discovered that all volunteers weighed in 16 lbs lighter. However, take these tests with a grain of salt as there are only a few that was properly conducted.

How safe is this Supplement?

At this moment, taking green coffee bean extract is relatively safe with no cases of negative side effects being reported by customers. However, it is still best to consult with your doctor before trying this weight loss supplement to know what you should and should not do when using it.

Final Verdict

Is green coffee bean effective? The reviews speak of it quite highly and clinical studies do back up its claims. However, as different manufacturers employ different methods in producing green coffee bean extract, each might have varying effects. Learning to know what to choose is important in order to get the best one available. The price is also quite expensive. In comparison, working out and eating healthy is not only cheap but also extremely effective.

Type of Acids in Coffee

Type of Acids in Coffee

When it comes to roasted coffee, there are several types of acids that can be found within each little brown bean. It contains three main types of acid: the chlorogenic acid, alicyclic anphenolic acid and aliphatic acid. The amount of acids contained in a specific coffee bean will vary as several factors will affect the acid levels in the final product. Each coffee bean also holds varying levels of each type of acid. Here are the various types of acids that are commonly found in coffee plants.

Tannic Acid or Gallotanic Acid

Type of Acids in CoffeeThis acid that is found in coffee plants still poses a mystery to scientists as to what its main purpose is. As of this moment, the popular theory is that it is a sort of defense mechanism for the plant as it produces an unpleasant taste which helps in keeping animals from eating the plant. It is also being looked at as helping the coffee plant stave away dangerous pathogens.

Chlorogenic Acid (CGA)

Chlorogenic acids make up most of the coffee bean compound and also give it that signature bitter and acidic taste. CGA content varies from each type of coffee plant but it also decreases when roasted. Scientists are now looking at CGA as a healthy and safe ingredient that assist the body in losing weight due to its ability to help the body increase its metabolism.

Aliphatic Acids

This acid is also known as amino acids. A coffee bean contains a dozen types of aliphatic acids which include: citric, acetic, lactic, pyruvic and malic acids just to name a few. A natural green coffee bean usually contains a minute amount of this acid which increases when roasted.

Alicyclic and Phenolic AcidsType of Acids in Coffee

These two acids are polyphenols that are known to contain high amounts of antioxidants. Green coffee bean extracts are known to contain higher levels of polyphenol which gives it more potency in terms of antioxidants. Recent studies are also looking at polyphenols as it may contain a level of anti-carcinogenic capabilities.

Fatty Acids

A study was conducted which revealed that coffee also contains fatty acids. Researchers discovered at least a dozen types of fatty acids in coffee extracts.  Coffee oil contains stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid. Coffee is now being looked at as a possible high source of vital fatty acids in the future.

What Affects the Level of Acidity in Coffee?

There are several factors to look at that determines the amount of acids a coffee will contain in its final form. The temperature the coffee bean is roasted in will greatly affect the level of CGA it contains. The brewing technique will also lend in to the final results of its acid levels. Simply put, the darker the coffee bean becomes the lower the acid level will be. The area where the coffee plant was harvested will also factor in as coffee plants that were grown in high altitude areas or near volcanoes will contain a significantly higher acidity.

Why Losing Weight is so Difficult

Why Losing Weight is so Difficult

Why is it that gaining weight is so easy while losing weight feels like a difficult uphill battle from the get go? It is not just you but hundreds of thousands of people around the world are experiencing the difficulties of losing weight and a recent research has proven that losing weight is in fact as difficult as it sounds due to several factors.

A recent study was conducted and the data gathered was not optimistic. It has shown that obese individuals today are 10% heavier and larger than the average obesity weight from the 1970’s. This was the case even when people today eat the same level of calories daily. How is this possible? Medical researchers believe that environmental factors in to this increase in weight. So, to clear weight gain further we have included a list of possible scientific reasons as to why it has become even more difficult to lose weight today compared to a couple of decades ago. This eye opening list of factors might even help you develop a better weight loss plan.Why Losing Weight is so Difficult

Endocrine Disruptor Problems

The Problem: Eating a healthy diet and removing foods that are filled with preservatives and chemicals. Even if you are careful with the food you eat, you still cannot avoid getting into contact with chemicals that might increase the chances of weight gain. Chemicals such as pesticides and flame retardants can also cause your metabolism to slow down significantly.

Anything that will cause you to become exposed to bisphenol A or ethinyl estradiol, especially during conception, will lower your metabolism.

The Solution: Taking all the steps you can to avoid being exposed to BPA chemicals will go a long way. For example, store your food and water in glass rather than in plastic.

You are naturally overweight

The Problem: Those who have been overweight for a significant time will discover that it is more difficult for them to shed some body weight. A study showed that people who are overweight for almost a decade had a far more difficult experience in shedding just 5% body weight.

The Solution: Do not put forth an extremely big weight loss goal on yourself. Start small and work your way up in a slow but steady fashion. Your body will also be against you if you try to force it to lose weight. Take small steps rather than giant leaps when it comes to a weight loss program and you will gradually achieve your ideal body weight in time.

Jumping from One Diet Plan to Another

Why Losing Weight is so DifficultThe Problem: You might think that trying out different weight loss programs will yield better results but the truth is that this will be a huge deterrent when it comes to shedding unwanted body fat. Switching between different weight loss techniques will throw your body into a loop and will actually make losing weight harder.

The Solution: Do not flip between different “flavor of the month” diet programs. Also, it is not advisable that you completely remove a food group when it comes to dieting. Follow a method that promotes a balanced diet.

Overexerting Yourself during Workout is bad

The Problem: While taking on an exercise focused weight loss program might seem a good idea, this alone will not guarantee that you will trim away those fat. In fact, those who follow these physically straining workout routines tend to be the ones who are more likely to overeat which make their intensive workout routine all for naught.

The Solution: Exercise and a healthy diet is still the best way to go when it comes to losing weight. Exercise alone will give you limited results while only focusing on your diet will yield minimum positive results. Balancing workout and diet has always been the tried and true way to lose weight safely.

Why Take Green Coffee Bean Extracts?

Why Take Green Coffee Bean Extracts?

You may have already heard of the new popular supplement that is based off of natural green coffee bean extracts and you may already be aware of its amazing weight loss properties. But are you aware that it also contains several fantastic health benefits as well?

Why Take Green Coffee Bean Extracts?While you may right this off as just another passing fad in the weight loss industry, you might want to learn about the facts first which are all based around clinical studies on this sought after fruit. While the standard “black” coffee is popular the world over, it comes with several downsides as we see coffee as something that could be bad for your health in the long run. But this all starts from how we actually process the bean to create our beloved morning drink.

By roasting the coffee bean, we basically destroy a lot of the helpful nutrients that are naturally contained in each little green bean. For example, almost 90% of the coffee bean’s chlorogenic acid (CGA) content gets destroyed during the roasting process. CGA is a compound that contains high levels of antioxidants which can help cleanse our body of free radicals. It also has several effects such as weight loss.

Other Known Benefits of Green Coffee Bean Extracts

Taking green coffee bean extract daily can help our body regain a stable and balanced blood pressure levels. This is great news for those suffering from high blood pressure as studies show that daily intake of about 140mg green coffee bean extract helped lower blood pressure levels back to a manageable state. There were also no reported negative side effects to using this supplement to manage blood pressure levels.

Why Take Green Coffee Bean Extracts?Another fantastic health benefit that is synonymous with the use of green coffee bean extract supplements is its ability to manage blood sugar levels. This is great news for those who have a family history of diabetes as they are born with higher levels of glucose in their bloodstream. Drinking about 400 mg of green coffee bean extract per day can effectively stave of excessive glucose level production within the body. Another nice positive side effect that drinking green coffee can deliver is more about the mind’s health. Coffee has always been known for its ability to boost your brain’s alertness thanks to the caffeine content. While caffeine is a double edged sword which can also do harm when taken in excess, green coffee’s caffeine content is just at the right amount to help minimize risk of negative side effects. Studies have shown that green coffee can not only heighten our alertness but also boost our memory and even helps prevent depression.

Finally, we get to the main benefits of drinking green coffee, its high antioxidant content. This not only helps keep free radical in check but also contains a special compound known as CGA that helps boost our liver’s metabolic rate and reduce glucose production within the body. This is the key ingredient to green coffee bean extract’s effective weight loss capabilities and what makes it special in the market that is flooded with one trick weight loss supplements.

Why You Should Avoid Free Green Coffee Offers

Why You Should Avoid Free Green Coffee Offers

You may have seen a couple of advertisements that promises free tryouts of green coffee bean extract that lure people into registering to their automatic monthly supply purchase. This would have been a good deal if not for the fact that the green coffees they are offering are overpriced inferior quality products. Read on below to know how to avoid falling into one of these scams.

Free Green Coffee is NOT Free

Why You Should Avoid Free Green Coffee OffersThis is simply false advertising used to lure unsuspecting customers into signing up for whatever “promo” they are offering. Their fine print may make it sound as if you will be able to save money but the fact is that they will be bleeding your wallet for what is basically a low quality product that is being touted as the next best thing.

Check the website’s Terms and Conditions page and read it carefully. It is intentionally written to have loopholes that they can take advantage of. You will be lead to believe you are simply registering for a  free trial but the truth is that you are already registering to their monthly supply program.

There is no such thing as Free Trial or Bottles

Websites that state they offer free tryouts for their products with free shipping should be taken with a grain of salt. Put yourself in the shoes of a legitimate business operator. Would you really risk losing hundreds of your products due to a free trial promo? A promo that is conducted online which is even riskier as information can be easily tampered with.

Free offers online are highly likely to be just scams. There maybe a few legitimate offers out there but are mostly time limited and you should always check the track record of the company offering the said promo.

How does this Scam work?

Why You Should Avoid Free Green Coffee OffersThere are several red flags prevalent throughout the statement this supposedly free promo offers. The biggest one is definitely the requirement of customers to send in their credit card info. If it is free then why would a customer need to submit their credit card information? They might claim that it is for the fee of shipping but that is mostly not the case.

Cancelling your order is also extremely difficult as the customer service for these types of websites basically non-existent and emails will always go unanswered or will give you reply that is merely a delaying tactic. Fraudulent companies will never play fair and will always look out for themselves. If you ever see an offer for a free green coffee online your best course of action is to simply ignore it.

Always conduct business with reputable businesses only that has built a solid reputation among hundreds to thousands of customers. Green coffee is a great product that offers numerous health benefits and is a safe and easy way to lose weight but be careful with those who are trying to take advantage of the product’s reputation as well as its customers to simply scam others out of there hard earned cash.